Tips & Tricks for your new EQU StreamZ bands
We have a few tips and tricks for your recent purchase of EQU StreamZ advanced magnetic horse bands. Please take a couple of minutes to read through this information in preparation for your bands arriving.
It is worth reminding you that EQU StreamZ introduce 'Advanced Magnetic Technology' and as such instructions differ to traditional magnetic products.
- Fitting instructions
- Ongoing Care instructions
- Sensitive Horses
- Tricks for “chewers”

Fitting Instructions
Each horse wears two bands, one on any two legs – results have been found to be the same with bands placed on both front or hind legs, or in any combination. At this point it is worth reminding you how StreamZ are not traditional magnets; StreamZ unique energy field rebalances the system. With this in mind, worn on any two legs the ‘rebalancing effect’ is established across the system.
To provide consistency throughout clinical studies the bands were placed on the near fore and off hind of all animals. Results cited from these studies therefore support use on the near fore and off hind. Ultimately, every horse is different and the bands can be placed on any leg which suits that specific horse.
The legs should be thoroughly clean prior to fitting. Open the tongue on the sleeve of the band and wrap the band around the cannon bone. Leave a space just less than a fingers width between the band and the horses skin, tight enough so they do not spin around the leg but not too tight! Use the fixing tab to secure the band in the required position. Ensure the tongue is attached evenly and make sure the tongue is not in contact with the skin.

Using the bands
The technology is designed to be worn for a minimum of 8 hours a day although results have been reported as significantly greater when used 24/7.
EQU StreamZ are designed to be used in most weather conditions however “24/7 use” refers to the technology and does not indicate the bands can be left on in all weather conditions or whilst out hacking. When the ground is soft and the horse is turned out the bands should be placed above the fetlock joint and out of the soft ground. Care and attention and a level of common-sense is required for the bands to last; as with any other tack product. See care details below.
TIP – to retain longevity of use the bands should be washed and cleaned on a weekly basis. Velcro hooks and loops should be cleaned by hand and not with a strong brush as this can damage the material. Bands which are not cared for will unlikely last 12 months and as with any tack used outside on horses require consistent maintenance.
Wearing through box rest (min 8hrs per day)
The technology works best sitting as close to a fast flowing artery as possible. The leg contains the digital palmar artery which is an extremely fast flowing artery containing high levels of haemoglobin levels (highly oxygenated blood). When on box rest/turned in the bands can be fitted below the fetlock joint. If the ground is soft (rain, mud, snow) then the bands may become submerged and should be placed above the fetlock.
Wearing through turnout (and 24/7)
As StreamZ are suitable for 24/7 use, careful attention is required as to where the bands are fitted for turnout. For turnout the bands should be placed above the joint. This is purely to protect the bands from being submerged and to ensure longevity of use. If the ground is significantly soft then the bands should have a few layers of vet wrap placed over the top or be removed completely.
Wearing whilst riding
The EQU StreamZ horse bands have been developed to be used as an aid for recovery and not to be used in active work (there is slight movement under the fetlock joint). We advise the bands are removed for anything more than light work.

Ongoing Care Instructions
The EQU StreamZ sleeves should be washed by hand in cold soapy water. Hot water can damage the hooks of the material so if being washed in a machine ensure it is on a cold setting. Regular cleaning the sleeves is vital to ensure longevity of the product and to retain 12-month warranty status. We recommend washing the sleeves at least once a week. If you require anything under warranty conditions please review our separate warranty terms.
The StreamZ material strips can be removed from the sleeve prior to washing, carefully sliding from the unstitched end of the sleeve next to the tongue. Make sure the StreamZ strips are kept safely and returned to the sleeve the correct way around after washing. The 4 lines/ridges must face away from the skin, smooth side facing the skin.
Common sense is required to understand when the horses can and cannot wear the bands, as with any tack used on horses through turnout.
TIP: We have had a few reports of people losing one silicone strip from inside the sleeves. The StreamZ silicone strips (the magic bits!) cannot fall out once on the horse (unless damaged by the horse) so it is worth checking the stable door as we have seen people hang them over the stable door when cleaning down their horse, or, check the inside drum of the washing machine! If you have lost an internal strip then contact our team, but please appreciate this is not covered under warranty.
Sensitive Horses
Some animals (particularly greys/white haired horses, or horses with previous signs of 'allergic contact dermatitis') may find the neoprene too sensitive to place directly against the skin. This can happen to any horse, not just greys.
Early signs that the horse may be feeling sensitive to the material are scratching at the bands, excessive foot stamping and showing a pink/red mark on the skin. Leaving the bands on can lead to further complications so early detection when first applying the bands is important.
PLEASE NOTE: Refunds are not given to owners who find sensitivity issues with the material.
EQU StreamZ bands can be placed above other materials and be as effective, so, a few layers of vet wrap/bandage can be placed around the leg before the bands are fitted - if required. If you notice any discomfort or discolouration on the skin within the first 24hrs then remove the bands. If problems persist then the neoprene bands should be removed completely.
In some cases, the StreamZ silicone strips can be removed from the outer sleeves and wrapped around the horses leg within a bandage/vet wrap, avoiding the use of neoprene. This can be of particular interest to Shetland or Mini owners who may find the outer sleeves slightly too bulky.
No refunds are issued if your horse is allergic to the material used within the bands. We understand this can be frustrating, however a horse with sensitive skin is entirely out of our control. Our support team have faced several rude customers who have acted in an aggressive way if we do not issue a full refund. Requesting “cash back" from your card provider is also fraud and please note that we will be asked to provide any correspondence we have with you to your card provider. Our product is perfectly suitable for greys (white haired) horses as vouched by hundreds. If deemed to be rude or abusive then users may be blocked on our social pages, and from emailing us.

Destructive/Chewing Horses
Finding a band on the floor or paddock each morning? Often this is a sign that your horse is pulling the band(s) off. In some cases horses have even been found to 'chew' the band ruining it in the process.
A band that is chewed is not covered under warranty, so if you do have history of the horse being destructive we hope these tips help.
It is not known why a small percentage of horses have been found to pull the bands off; and even to extent how they do it in the first place!? Sensitive skinned horses may simply not want anything around their legs; others might simply be being mischievous.
It has also been reported that some horses only like the bands fitted to their hind legs and placing them on the hind legs does make them harder to remove. (Remember: StreamZ provide 'full body coverage' when placed on any two legs)
No warranty is offered on any products which have been damaged or chewed by your horse. Equally, refunds are not issued if your horse "refuses to wear them".
We understand the frustration if your horse does decide to damage the bands. We ask that you appreciate that this is entirely out-of-our-control. Warranty covers defected items, not damaged items.
Our agents who you communicate your frustrations with are human beings and have processes to follow, please be courteous at all times.
If your horse continues to pull them off, after trying all these ideas, then sadly there's not much we can do. We cannot offer refunds for this purpose.
It is important that before fitting the bands that you make sure the horses legs (and the inside webbing of the bands) are clean and dry.
Once the bands have been correctly fitted, wrap a few layers of kinesiology-tape over the top of the bands. This should act as a 'protective barrier' and stop the horse from being able to chew and damage the bands. This tip will not fully stop a horse - if they want them off, tape wont stop that. (see image below using red vetrap)
If you feel your horse is feeling sensitive by having the bands against their skin, try a few layers of kinesiology-tape or vet rap (even bandages) around the leg prior to fitting the bands.

Hopefully the information above has answered any questions you may have, however, if you do have any further queries then our support team are always here to help.
Kind regards
StreamZ Support Team